East London Runners had 58 finishers in the Dagenham Runners 5km, with Eaun Brown winning the first round of the East London Interclub Series in 16.24.

Thomas Grimes wasn’t far behind coming in third in 16.35, while Patrick Brown (17.23) and Ciaran Canavan (18.01) finished seventh and 12th.

Will Pearce and Amadeus Furlong both ran personal bests of 18.10 and 18.18 to finish 15th and 19th, with James Wilson (18.35), Andrew Baxter (18.42) and Danny Lee (18.44) finishing 20th, 22nd and 23rd.

More personal bests were run by Russell Price (19.35), Paul Thompson (19.42) and the second woman across the line, Ava Lee, (20.05) as they finished 31st, 33rd and 40th.

Sarah McCrea finished 74th in 21.52, while Phoebe Bowman and Chloe Longstaff also achieved personal bests of 21.56 and 22.46 to finish 76th and 94th respectively.

In Saturday’s Walthamstow Park 5km, Patrick Brown finished second in 18.26 with Richard Guest (21.20) and Jonathan Wooldridge (21.53) coming fifth and sixth.

George Georgiou finished in 21.55 to finish seventh, with Phoebe Bowman coming in ninth in 23.00 as the second lady to finish.

Joseph Browne finished fifth in the Wanstead Flats 5km with a time of 19.41 and was closely followed by sixth-placed Gavin Stebbing, who finished the event in 19.47.

Behind him was Ava Lee, whose personal best of 19.51 made her the first woman to finish, while Regis Martin came home ninth in 20.00 and Richard Potter was 11th with a personal best of 20.40.

Sunday’s Westminster mile saw Thomas Grimes finish in 4.46, Patrick Brown in 4.52 and Paul Quinton in 5.05.

Ciaran Canavan finished fourth in the Newry City Half Marathon with a time of 1.21.00, while Paola Cimenti completed the Edinburgh Marathon in 4.42.36.

In the Bupa London 10km, Allan Todd ran a personal best of 38.58 and Jamie Xavier came home in 42.54.

Carrine Jay and Sheila Kennedy also represented the club at the Hatfield Broad Oak 10km as Jay ran a time of 46.16, whilst club-mate Kennedy achieved a personal best of 50.09.