There was a first road race victory of 2013 for Finchley Racing Team’s Andrew Hastings as he secured top spot at the Bob Whitear road race held at Wickewood, Norfolk.

Hastings bided his time in the race and waited for the right break to go away; the original break was thirteen riders but was soon whittled down to nine.

Hastings made his move with two laps remaining as he attacked on the climb and opened up a gap.

He soon had a minute’s lead over the two closest chasers and by the time the Finchley racer crossed the line he was two minutes clear of the rider in second place. It was a commanding victory.

Elsewhere, Trevor Burke followed up his win in the Norland 30 mile time trial with an impressive third place finish in his first ever 50 mile time trial in the Norland TT Combine event.

Since making the switch from road racing Burke has become a dominant force in time trails and he crossed the line in 1.47.51 to secure third spot.