Barnet FC has donated £2,000 to charity after they received the money from The Football Association’s 2012 Community Shield Fund.

The Bees contributed £1,000 to Resources for Autism and £1,000 to the Barnet FC Community Trust.

Resources for Autism provide practical services for children and adults with an autistic spectrum condition and for their families and carers.

All staff and volunteers are autism trained and services are designed to be welcoming and accepting of users whatever their level of need and support.

The Barnet FC Community Trust support the initiatives aimed at youth, using football as a vehicle to deliver and reinforce the important social messages whist raising performance and participation levels.

All income is reinvested in the community and the Trust in the form of new staff, staff development and Trust resources.

The FA Community Shield raises hundreds of thousands of pounds every year and that money is distributed to community-based initiatives and charities up and down the country.

The funds are raised through a combination of tickets sales and match programmes.

For more information about Resources for Autism visit and for the Barnet FC Community Trust visit