Young footballers from Hendon and Oaklodge Schools who participated in the inaugural Gavin Brooke Barnet Disability Cup were treated to a tour of Arsenal Football Club’s training ground.

Eighteen pupils were taken on a behind the scenes tour and got a taste of how well a Premier League player is looked after.

The visit was organised by NCFootball in association with Barnet Azzurri FC, who hosted the successful Disability Cup event on March 1. It was open to 32 children from schools within the borough.

All players who participated receive ten free coaching sessions on a Friday evening with the opportunity to enter Hertfordshire FA’s Disability Festival.

England-capped Cerebral Palsy player Gavin Brooke, who backed the Disability Cup, said: “The day was a great experience for everyone involved. Everybody played with a smile on their face which is what football should be all about. I am really proud to be part of it.”

Nick Cook, director of football for Barnet Azzurri FC, added: “This was a great initiative for us as a club to provide a football programme for players with mild disabilities. We believe this will be the first of many opportunities we can provide for disability football.

“We hope that at the end of the ten-week coaching course that players will want to join Barnet Azzurri and that we can have our first disability team at the club.”