More often than not Saracens’ innovative ways have ruffled the feathers of opposing clubs.

However, in their latest move the club have dusted off the welcome mat in a bid to make visiting fans feel enjoy their visit to their Allianz Park home.

Sarries have often been subject of a hostile reception at rival clubs to say the least and are seemingly putting measures in place to ensure this isn’t the case on their patch.

Measures include the availability of beer produced near the visiting club, an on the field presentation between supporters associations and the opportunity for the club to fly their flag as well as bring their mascot amongst others.

Nothing they are implementing is ground-breaking, but it is often the simple touches that make the most difference.

Take the mascots for example, what harm does it do having them in the stadium? If anything the presence of Harley and Charlie bear added something extra to pre-match proceedings thanks to their interaction with Sarrie and Wolfie.

Plus it shows kids that rugby is a game where people, or in this case mascots, come together and enjoy the game regardless of the shirts on their back.

Rugby prides itself on its family-friendly, inclusive atmosphere, something that these measures go some way to ensuring remains.

Making the stadium a popular and welcoming place to visit will not make Allianz Park any less of a fortress and it would be wrong to think that this will change people’s perceptions of the club.

If you look at the disliked clubs over the years, they are the ones who consistently do well and achieve, something that Sarries strive for.

They are a club that do things differently however and for every gamble that pays off there will be one that doesn’t.

The cynics will say that this latest move by the club is just a PR exercise to make up for the rather distasteful use of the 'fat lady singing' during matches but there is no shame in admitting that something didn’t work out. It is part and parcel of leading the way.

Love them or hate their ideas though there is no denying that Sarries really are striving to make their new home as ‘special’ as it can possibly be.