Without wishing to open a dangerous can of nationalist or multiculturalist worms, I think it is fair to say that every cultural institution - Saracens included - needs to formulate its own set of cultural values.

At Allianz Park we have that opportunity. Our on-pitch values have been well publicised in the last few years: watch- words such as 'discipline', 'honesty' and 'humility".

This selfless and hard-working approach, instilled by Brendan Venter back in 2009, has been at the core of our new-found success on the pitch.

Off the pitch, our identity is harder to define. Answers would range, depending on your gullibility and cynicism, from "creative, pioneering and light-hearted" to "short-sighted, gimmicky and antagonistic"; worthy even of the label "vermin" in the eyes of some.

But now we have the chance to clarify people's perceptions.

How do we want to define ourselves as a club; and how do we go about achieving that?

Firstly, I think we need to reach out to traditional English rugby values - chief among which is the conviviality between opposing sets of supporters.

There were certain issues against London Welsh, which I will perhaps generously attribute to simple mistiming, which threatened to cut against that. However, the long east stand bar - and the live music therein - compensated more than sufficiently.

Secondly, the place needs to feel like Saracens belong there - and it does. The logo draped along the top of the east stand, and encrusted in the Laverstock pies, and on the glasses of Saracens own brand ale, contribute massively.

No doubt there are plans to increase this, probably utilising the space under the east stand.

Plenty of clubs, in all sports, play on past successes and general heritage as a means of invoking loyalty and belonging. Our own 100 Club is a perfect example of this.

The inclusivity/community angle that the club is trying to push is also a great step.

The fact hundreds of kids will use the pitch every week, and thousands of supporters every matchday, makes Sarries unique - and in a good way.

It's the same story with the smiling Pioneers, who provide a more relaxed and pleasant feel than traditional stewards. Another key point to remember is that with both the pitch and the pioneers, we are trying to be trend-setters - fitting in with our (intended) core values.

So then - much as recent matches at Allianz Park have been very important and exciting milestones for the club, the focus will be on the future.

In rugby terms, Sarries will look to add words such as "pace" and "precision" onto their existing core values - aided by the fast pitch.

And off the field, the management will rightly be very keen to establish a clear identity for the club - hopefully one which promotes community inclusivity, and camaraderie between all supporters.