Parents, children and teachers celebrated the opening of a Jewish free school in Golders Green yesterday.

Chief Rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks officially opened Rimon Jewish Primary School at Golders Green Synagogue in Dunstan Road and a mezuzah, a parchment inscribed with religious texts, wax fixed to the doorpost.

Children were entertained with a bouncy castle and face painting in the newly refurbished playground while parents viewed plans for the redevelopment of the main school site, which will start in October.

Rachel Clark, chair of governors, said: "Alongside a clear need for more primary school places in Barnet, we wanted to build a new Jewish school, created by local parents and community members, for local parents and community members. 

"We wanted it to be inclusive in approach, hence our policy of accepting children of all faiths or none, and have a particular interest in the environment and international awareness. 

"Golders Green is a rich and varied community, and our school will reflect that."

Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski of Golders Green Synagogue and principal of Rimon added: “It’s a privilege to work with such dedicated staff and governors who are creating a unique environment

in which Jewish values and learning will lie at the heart of a flourishing and
responsible school community.”

Mike Freer, MP for Finchley and Golders Green, also attended the event alongside governors
of the school and the families of the first reception class.