I am appalled at the proposals to implement parking restrictions in Vale Drive.

Not only is there a school there, but the clinic at Vale Drive is supposedly the main one for the area. How are parents with children supposed to get to the clinic easily if there are restrictions? Not only that, but the cost to families will be excessive as parents will not know exactly how long they will be in the clinic so will have to pay for time that they may not use — thereby increasing Barnet Council’s revenue, but putting an undue burden on families. When it is pouring with rain, it is difficult enough for a mother with children to get to the clinic, but this would be made even more difficult. With regard to the school, will this mean children will have to cross Mays Lane, which does not have a crossing?

This is a very busy road, and it has been requested on numerous occasions for a crossing to be made available for the safety of children. This has never been implemented.

Currently, there is uproar that the council is cutting lollipop personnel who do a great job in ensuring children’s safety. Now this is being taken a step further by not providing any safe crossings for children in this area, but also handicapping those parents who drive to pick up their children.

These parents may well work and need to get to the school quickly having to leave work to get there. Parking restrictions will mean they have to leave earlier, with possible consequences for their job security. I am a parent of four children and have used the clinic and school over the past 15 years — my youngest child leaves St Catherine’s School this academic year.

These restrictions are appalling and should not be implemented for the safety and wellbeing of all our children.

Carol Camozzi-Ward
Eton Avenue, East Barnet