Every year there is a post mortem regarding the results of school exams as to whether they have got easier or those sitting them have got cleverer.

There is rarely a definitive conclusion, although there is a bias towards concluding exams have got easier.

What should be reviewed is the standing of the qualifications gained and how they relate to the real world in terms of what business and industry require. Also, what should be seen is how those gaining such qualifications use what they have learnt.

Mistakes in the real world are inevitable and understandable.

However, that Barnet Council, and its communications and children’s services departments should make such an elementary mistake in its posters as reported by your newspaper is unforgivable (‘Say that again?’, Times Series, November 18).

It only goes to show the degree to which education and teaching in the United Kingdom has deteriorated over the past 13 years or more.

It is very gratifying the present Government has decided education and schools should not be in the hands of the councils.

Tony Felce
Bunns Lane, Mill Hill