AN MP has thrown her support behind a campaign against plans to build a Tesco Express in Oakleigh Road North.

Theresa Villiers, MP for Chipping Barnet, shares residents’ concerns that the area has no need for the store, which is proposed to be built on the site of the former Sapphire Lounge.

Ms Villiers said: “With plenty of supermarkets and small independent convenience stores already in the area, including Tesco Express stores in East Barnet Road, the top of Station Road and High Barnet, the last thing Oakleigh needs is another supermarket chain moving in and taking over.”

Over a thousand residents have signed a petition against the move and there will be a public meeting on Thursday, December 2 at 7.30pm in Manor Drive Methodist Hall, in Manor Drive, Whetstone, to discuss the campaign.

People are concerned the store will put existing small retailers out of business and undermine the area's friendly community.

Under current planning regulations, Tesco does not need permission to change the premises from a bar to a shop and therefore, the council cannot stop the store from going ahead on planning grounds.

Ms Villiers said: “Residents have made it very clear this is not what they want.

“There has been an influx of Tesco stores across Chipping Barnet in the past two years and I am determined to do all I can to back residents in their campaign.”

Oakleigh ward councillor, Sachin Rajput, said: “It’s a great shame that despite widespread local opposition to the store, large chains like Tesco can still move into an area with little regard for the local community.”