I write in response to the reader who hides behind anonymity (“Why try to get around the law”, June 10).

I would like him/her to please describe how exactly they would be “adversely affected” by the erection of some poles, which stand at the same height of a house, and have a fishing wire attached to each one at the very top. In fact, to the naked eye its rather difficult to even spot the wire.

As for the poles, would you really notice the difference between a telephone pole (which is much wider) and an eruv pole?

What I find to be disgraceful is not the erection of some poles which can serve to enhance the religious life of many Jews, but your attitude to a people who simply seek to live their lives quietly and without disturbance to anyone else.

And unlike you, I will not hide behind anonymity.

Tanya Hackenbroch, Lynford Gardens, Edgware