A FORMER Edgware man who stalked a woman he met at college nearly 20 years ago was today jailed for 16 weeks.

Elliot Fogel, 34, formerly of Stanway Gardens, was given the sentence after admitting storing material, including internet searches and wedding pictures of Mill Hill resident Claire Waxman.

The video editor, who has worked for Sky Sports News, admitted the offences which started just two days after being handed a restraining order at Harrow Crown Court in 2006.

Wood Green Crown Court heard how forensic analysis of his computer had turned up nearly 40,000 references to the name Clare on his computer, although defence counsel Darryl Cherrett told the court these could be stored any time he visited a web page with the name on it.

The analysis also turned up aerial photographs of Mrs Waxman's house and her husband's phone number, as well as the couple's wedding pictures and details of her father's business interests.

In court Fogel, who now lives in Isleworth, was branded a “loner” and Mr Cherrett said a psychological assessment had concluded he was “socially inadequate” adding “He needs to get a life for himself”.

Fogel had previously been in court over other breaches of the restraining order, which included sending a Valentine's card and bombarding Mrs Waxman with late-night phone calls, so he could hear her voice on the answer machine.

However, two days after being handed a suspended 13-week sentence he started looking Mrs Waxman up on the internet.

A victim impact statement read to the court on her behalf said she was considering leaving the country to escape the torment.

She added: “My life has been ruined by this man in so many ways. I know in my heart this will only lead to worse things, unless he gets the right treatment from the law.

“He has no respect for me, my family, or the law. He is a potential danger to society and me.”

She added the family were “seriously considering” leaving the country because of the strain Fogel's behaviour had put on them.

The pair met at Oaklands College in St Albans in 1991, while studying for A levels and studied French together.

In mitigation Mr Cherrett told the court Fogel's behaviour had not been intended to cause distress, but accepted it was “psychologically distressing” for the victim.

He added the psychological assessment had put him at the lower end of the “stalker scale” as an “inappropriate suitor”, and added he had some traits of someone suffering from aspergers syndrome.

However, he rejected claims in a probation report he could be dangerous. He added his client “had been obsessed” with Mrs Waxman but “never intended to cause her any harassment, harm or distress”.

Jailing him for 16 weeks judge Fraser Morrison told Fogel: “What the court is not in a position to do is change your behaviour, whether you learn from this is up to you.

“I'm not punishing you for what could happen in the future, but for a deliberate breach of a court order.

“There has to be a custodial sentence because of the serious psychological affect this has had on Mrs Waxman.”

Fogel was told he would serve half of his sentence before he would be eligible for parole.