A MIDDLE-EASTERN drama group will visit an inclusive Southgate theatre on Friday to say thank you for inspiring them.

The Kuwait English School (KES) Green Theatre plan to give Chickenshed a cheque for £500 for helping them start their theatre company.

The group will arrive at Rayne's Theatre, Chase Side, at 12.45pm to see the company's children's production, "The One and Only Double Bill Trilogy Quartet", and will present the cheque at 2pm.

KES Green Theatre was founded in March 2007 by Jenny Dunne, a 16-year-old drama student at the school.

Jenny was inspired by Chickenshed's inclusive philosophy, which encourages everyone, regardless of age or ability, to perform.

She said: "Chickenshed inspired us and set us on a journey to create our own inclusive performing arts environment for students from both the 'mainstream' and 'special' sectors.

"We wanted to give students the opportunity to meet and work together when previously they might have been kept apart."

Last year, the Kuwaiti troupe took part in Chickenshed's "Seachange" production, and it hopes to be involved in the group's 35th anniversary show in November.