Well I said that I'd use the blog as a means to plug local gigs and events. Here's my first go. I will try and plug any local gigs and festivals and pass on any important local news as well. Sorry for those waiting for another rant, I'm saving it up for the weekend.

Firstly the Mill Hill Music Festival Long Jazz weekend takes place this week. As I'm an organiser I guess I should start my blogplug with the festival.

Weds 25th - Anita Wardell - Mill Hill Sports Club, Grahame Park Way, £5 - 8.30pm

Thurs 26th - The John Dankworth Quintet, Mill Hill School - Sold Out

Fri 27th - Campbell Burnap Memorial Swing Show, John Keble Church Hall, Deans Lane, Edgware, £12 - 7.30pm

Sat 28th - Tribute to Buddy Rich, The Steve Taylor Big Band, John Keble Hall, Deans Lane, Edgware, £10 - 7.45pm

Sun 29th - Dixieland Time, Ian Bramald and the Dixieland Jazz Band, The Rising Sun Pub, Highwood Hill, Mill Hill - Lunchtime - free entry.

Also, the Finchley carnival are looking for bands.

Any school age bands looking for a gig in front of an decent sized audience have the chance at the Pentland Finchley Carnival School Rock Band Competition. Bands should get their applications in now to be sure of a place.

The deadline for applications is July 11, but with only 12 places left, carnival organiser Vicky Churchill warns that many may have to be turned away.

I will be a judge for the final so please say hello (or throw a rotten tomato at me if you prefer). It was a great contest last year so I am really looking forward to it.

To enter contact Mrs Churchill on 01923 289 890 or email vicky@vicky churchill.com