There’s a bit of a debate in my house as to whether to find out the sex of the baby (before it’s born).

I don’t want to. My husband does. Being the impatient kind he doesn’t want to wait until presented with the goey being after its born. But I think there’s something really nice in waiting.

It’s ok, because the hospital won’t tell him if I don’t want to know. Mother’s perogative. But I still fail to see the need.

It’s not like I have any intention of painting the nursery blue or pink in celebration. (Only neutral colours and teddy bear browns will be allowed). And I am not in desparate need to buy gender specific clothing prior to the birth. And I am just about capable, I think, of coming up with one boy and one girl’s name.

Plus on the flipside I really want the surprise. I think it’s really exciting to find out the day they are born when you can officially name them and their life really begins. When there is no real need to find out before why do so?

I know people say they’d be happy if they had a boy or a girl as long as it’s healthy, but I really do mean it. And even if, seven boys down the line, I was desperate for a girl, finding out it was another boy before the birth wouldn’t change anything for me.

Each life is a miracle and as long as it is happy and healthy I am happy to find out when it’s out.

But I’m taking bets if you want to have a guess...