A trans man who tricked women into sex and relationships while using a prosthetic penis has had his appeal rejected. 

Tarjit Singh, who was born Hannah Walters but now identifies as a transgender male, would keep clothing on and have sex with the women using a prosthetic penis in the dark. 

Following a trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court, Singh, from Enfield, was convicted of three counts of assault by penetration, six counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and one count of making a threat to kill.

In 2022 Singh was jailed for ten years with an added three years on licence. 

Last Wednesday (July 16) at a Court of Appeal hearing Singh’s bid to reduce his prison sentence was rejected. 

One of the issues raised by the appeal was whether the sentence is manifestly excessive in because Singh has gender dysphoria, which lessened his culpability. 

But Lord Justice Dingemans said his culpability was not reduced by the fact that he has gender dysphoria or personality disorders. 

He added: “This is because there was not sufficient connection between the appellant's impairment or disorder and the offending behaviour.

“As to the gender dysphoria, it is clear that the appellant would not have been motivated to commit the sexual offences against the complainants if he did not have gender dysphoria, but the existence of that diagnosis does not explain or mitigate the appellant's deceit of the three complainants, or his assaults on two of the complainants or the threat to kill one of them.” 

The judges concluded that the original sentence was the correct one. 

A court had previously heard that when his victims began to ask questions he became abusive and manipulative, telling one victim that there was more to a relationship than sex and that she should learn to talk about her feelings more. 

Crown prosecution service spokesperson Melissa Garner said: “These victims have been deceived, betrayed and lied to in the most disturbing and traumatic of ways. One of the victims was just 16 when she met the defendant. 

“Singh has never admitted his crimes and has continued to claim that these victims were aware of his gender.” 

One victim only found out Singh was not a man after finding a strap-on prosthetic penis some months into their relationship. She told police officers that she felt so stupid that she had fallen for such lies. 

She said: “He looked like a guy, he acted like a guy.” 

Singh told another victim he had been born a boy, had a sex change to become a woman, and now wanted to be a man again. 

The third victim met Singh after receiving a message from the dating website Plenty of Fish in 2014. Soon into their relationship they were told there would be a sex change and Singh would become a woman. 

The victim met with Singh after what she believed was the sex change operation and noticed breasts but no scarring. 

Singh was caught out after this relationship became abusive and the victim made a complaint to police. The investigation then linked back to two earlier victims.