A bar was described as a “hotspot for criminal activity” as it was stripped of its alcohol licence following a drug raid.

Santafe Hall on High Street, Harlesden, was among a group of businesses in Harlesden that was suspected to be involved with illegally distributing drugs.

It was temporarily closed in December last year when drugs were found at the premises, and in January it was concluded that the bar’s licence would be revoked – meaning it would no longer be able to operate.

The bar had the opportunity to appeal the council’s decision in court, which it tried doing.

But last week the district judge at Willesden Magistrates’ Court rejected the appeal, describing the business as a “hotspot for criminal activity".

The bar was told the licence revocation was appropriate and told: “‘I find it entirely reasonable that the local authority with the relevant local experience have lost confidence in your ability to run the premises in line with the licensing objectives.

“I dismiss the appeal on the basis that I am not persuaded that the committee decision is wrong.”

According to an application submitted to review the licence, a search was conducted on November 17 last year and “a number of pills” were discovered behind the bar, believed to be class A drugs.

Councillor Krupa Sheth, cabinet member for environment and enforcement, said: "I am glad the judge has found that the council’s licensing sub committee came to the correct decision.

“This premises has shown that it was a hotspot for illegal activities and now the premises will no longer be able to serve alcohol.

“I would like to thank the police for dealing with them so well and bringing the initial review.

“I would also want to thank all of our amazing licensing officers who have supported the appeal.”

Police in Harlesden have been cracking down on suspected drug supply in the local area.

Eight addresses - including four commercial properties - were stormed in August last year as part of a co-ordinated drug raid.

Then further businesses and residential addresses were also targeted by police in Harlesden.