Turkey is known as the place to go if you want to get your smile whitened for a lower teeth whitening cost. There are many different options available for teeth whitening in Turkey. For example, there are over-the-counter, home remedies, and professional procedures.

Read on for the ultimate detailed guide for teeth whitening in Turkey at Cosmedica Dental.

The teeth whitening procedure 

The way the whitening process is conducted depends on the form of procedure you choose to get done. So, the best way to explain how it works is by understanding the different methods and how they are performed at individual levels. Let us look at the different teeth whitening treatment methods offered in Turkey below:

Common forms of procedures for teeth whitening in Turkey

There are many ways you can go about the whitening treatment in Turkey. The best clinics in Turkey offer a host of procedures. Below are some of the most common ones:

Professional dental bleaching

This is the most common method of professional whitening your teeth. It involves the use of a peroxide-based solution. Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used in this method. However, carbamide peroxide is also commonly applied.

This is a bleaching that removes stains and any form of discoloration from the teeth in one single visit. It does so by breaking or correcting the stain or discoloration on the teeth. This is also the simplest and fastest method and it is usually conducted by a dentist in Turkey.

With this method, you do not have to stay at the clinic. You can get it done in a dentist’s office or get the service from a cosmetic specialist in the sector. The process can be completed over multiple sessions over a specific amount of time to achieve the most appealing and aesthetic results.

Once the process is done, you may also require a professional teeth cleaning procedure to ensure a comprehensive whitening. 

Laser teeth whitening in Turkey 

Another common method is laser teeth whitening. Many prominent and legitimate clinics offer laser teeth whitening in Turkey. This process applies an intense beam of light. This light breaks up stains and all forms of discoloration on the teeth.

More often than not, laser whitening is done together with bleaching. Combining these two procedures helps provide faster results as opposed to using bleaching alone or lasers alone. However, using either of the processes alone can also work, even if it takes a longer time.

Typical visit to the dentist for teeth whitening

  • Cleaning – the dentist will start by cleaning your teeth to get rid of any notable yellowing or tartar

  • Protection application - The dentist then places a rubber shield over your teeth to protect it from the whitening agents applied in the procedures

  • The procedure - The rest of the process is determined by the form of procedure you choose to undergo

Side effects of the teeth whitening treatment 

You can avoid the harmful side effects of getting your crown whitened in Turkey by choosing the right professional for the job. Also, the quality of the after-care maintenance can come in handy.

For instance, you have to brush your teeth using a whitening toothpaste to maintain your perfect smile, floss daily, avoid eating anything that can stain your teeth, and use a straw when drinking colored drinks. Regular visits to the dentist for cleaning and proper dental care can also prevent the effects.

Cost of teeth whitening in Turkey

The teeth whitening price depends on the type of dental procedure you choose to get done. For instance, the laser whitening process is the most expensive compared to other alternatives. However, it is worth the cost because it is also generally looked at as the most effective procedure.

In contrast, at-home kits are the most affordable. Depending on the cost of teeth whitening using kits, they are very affordable, especially since the dental clinics in Turkey is very affordable and convenient. If you want to get a clue of the amount it would cost to get your crown whitened, it would be wise to consult directly with a professional dentist or cosmetic specialist.

They will prepare you a tailored quote depending on your specific needs. However, you are guaranteed to find a procedure that is within your budget.

Cosmedica Dental offers a “Dental Spa” package for €250. This kit includes tartar removal and teeth whitening services, which are both highly effective at improving the look of your smile.

Why should you have your teeth whitened in Turkey?

Cosmedica Dental - Professional Teeth WhiteningCosmedica Dental - Professional Teeth Whitening (Image: Cosmedica Dental)

You may wonder, why should you travel all the way to Turkey to get these procedures? There are many reasons that Turkey is the place to go. One of the key reasons is that the cost of getting your teeth whitened in Turkey is lower than in most countries in the West. You can get these procedures done effectively for a fraction of what it would cost you in other western nations.

Another reason is that the quality of getting your teeth whitened in Turkey is impressively good. There are several experienced dentists that provide services with the greatest results. So, you need not worry about the low costs affecting the quality of the services you get. Furthermore, there is the benefit of convenience.

There are several dental clinics that offer high quality, yet affordable services that you can conveniently choose from. This makes finding the perfect service provider quite easy, especially one that is close to you and meets your needs.

Other dental treatments at Cosmedica Dental

Other than teeth whitening in Istanbul, there are several other procedures you can get done in Turkey in terms of your teeth. There are procedures like veneers, dental crowns, and implants, that are very popular.

Teeth whitening in Turkey - conclusion

Teeth whitening in Turkey is a common cosmetic procedure offered by hundreds of clinics. You can find the perfect place to get the treatment done by consulting with different clinics. This way, you can compare what they offer, pros, and cons, so you can locate the most optimal option for you.

You can schedule an online appointment with the Cosmedica Dental clinic in Turkey to learn more before committing yourself to get the procedure done. The customer care team of the dental clinic will ensure your brighter smile.