A Warwick resident is itching to get back on the bowling green after giving the sport a go at Bowls England's 'Bowls' Big Weekend'.

Abi Dixon, 47, who works for Think Active, was one of the lucky participants at Leamington Spa Bowls Club who had the privilege of playing against and being coached by some of England's best bowlers whilst also nurturing her own love of the sport.

Think Active is an active partnership that covers Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire and Dixon was thrilled to discover a sport that perfectly fits with her work's aims and ambitions.

"Think Active are funded predominately by Sport England and we aim to support and enable people who have the biggest inequalities to become more active," she said.

"We know that people can be worried about being active but bowls is really accessible, you need little kit and it really easy to give it ago.

"I've never played before but I really enjoyed it.

"Everyone has been so friendly and I've been given some hints and tips whist just having a go.

"I definitely want to come back and I think I will get my mum down over Bowls’ Big Weekend as well, she will love it.

"This initiative is great at encouraging people to try something new."

Leamington Spa is known as the spiritual home of bowls and Dixon was joined in a game by a group of beginners as well as bowls royalty Craig Bowler.

Bowler won para-bowls bronze at the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games at Leamington Spa and is a vocal advocate of the inclusivity of the sport for all ages and abilities, hoping to entice a new wave of people to take up the sport across the country.

"Bowls' Big Weekend is so important for clubs and it's so easy to get involved," he said.

"It's all about getting people together to do sport and for those who don't think they can do a physical sport to try.

"Bowls is so diverse, you can have a seven-year-old playing a 90-year-old and there are not many sports where you can do that.

"You can play competitive, at club level or just socially.

"People who are suffering with any mental health issue or don't have a tight friendship group, if you go down to your local club, they will welcome you with open arms.

"It's a bowls family and everyone just makes everyone welcome."

To find your nearest participating club and sign up for a free session go to bowlsbigweekend.com