As a supporter of mayoral candidate Councillor Alan Craig, who heads the Christian Choice list, I am concerned at the very selective way in which the media is covering the London election. It is bad for any person or group wanting to promote new policies.

An election is not a horse race and it is wrong there should be this bias in favour of the old discredited "Lab, Lib, Tory cabal" when in 2004, more than a quarter of London's electors voted for other parties.

Not only that, but the media should make clear that in the single transferable vote for mayor, voters can use their first vote positively rather than casting it to prevent the candidate they object to most.

Again, in the London list, candidates for the Assembly will be elected in proportion to the votes cast for their party, so a member can be elected with five per cent of the total vote.

I am sure if your readers were informed about Christian Choice's Hope for London manifesto, many of them would find it very appealing and refreshing and would seriously consider supporting these policies in the ballot box. It is no surprise that on YouTube, Alan Craig has had more hits than any other party leader.

John Wainwright, Borough Way, Potters Bar