Older people in Barnet can get fit and get to grips with modern technology at an event next week.

The ‘Let’s Get Together’ event, held in the St Agnes Centre in Gillingham Road in Cricklewood, marks the launch of Age UK Barnet’s new neighbourhood services, which will provide opportunities for exercise, learning and socialising for Barnet’s older people within their communities.

During the event next Tuesday, people over 55 will have the chance to take part in a Tai Chi class, get advice on benefits, learn how to use mobile phones and digital cameras, and access information on volunteering and other Age UK services.

There will also be refreshments and advice on healthy eating.

Age UK’s neighbourhood services coordinator Amanda Radonich said: “We want to encourage people to get out of the house, meet new people, get active and live healthier lives, as well as teaching them about technology as many older people miss out on deals online because they don’t know how to use computers.

“We’re working with other voluntary sector organistions to make all our services more local and out in the community so we can get more people involved.”

Chief officer of Age UK Barnet Mark Robinson said: “Age UK Barnet is delighted to have the opportunity to work in partnership with community organisations to deliver much needed services to older people throughout Barnet, in their neighbourhoods and communities.”

The event will run from 11am until 2pm. For more information contact Ms Radonich on 020 8432 1415 or email amanda.radonich@ageukbarnet.org.uk