A mother facing a race against time to take her sick little girl on a dream holiday says she is in “disbelief” after a complete stranger handed her a cheque for £5,000.

Natalie Edwards is desperately fundraising to take three-year-old Ellie to Disneyland before she “loses her forever” to a rare genetic disorder.

The family, including Natalie’s partner Arron, needs £10,000 for the trip to the Orlando theme park and before the weekend had reached just a third of that total.

But having read of Natalie’s heartbreaking plight in the Times Series last week, an 89-year-old man who insists he does not want to be named rang the news desk to offer his generous four-figure donation.

The married pensioner, who has never had children himself, invited Natalie and Ellie to his East Barnet home on Friday to break the good news.

Natalie, of Clarence Close, New Barnet, said: “When he told me how much the cheque was for I couldn’t breathe. I just started crying and I couldn’t stop.

“I never thought this sort of thing happened, especially not to us. There is no way I can thank him enough, there is nothing I could do to put across our appreciation – this has changed our lives.”

Last month, Ellie was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome – a condition that causes severe physical and mental disability that begins in early childhood.

Although the syndrome is not terminal, doctors predict Ellie could regress to the state of a newborn baby in the coming years.

The nameless donor was one of several who came forward following the Times Series coverage, and Natalie has been sent other generous cheques of up to £200.

The former bank worker who donated the £5,000, said: “I just feel so sorry for their situation. I’m 89 now and I’ve lived my life. If I can do something now to let someone else live theirs, if only briefly, it will have been worth it.

“It is the best I can do so let’s hope something positive comes out of it. It makes me feel awful that I am so old and she is so ill so young.”

Natalie has now raised more than £7,500 and believes she will reach the total with the help of two fundraising events being organised by her friends.

Any money left over will be given to Rett UK, a charity providing help and support for families living with the condition.

The 25-year-old said: “I burst in to tears in the bank over the weekend just paying in the money. It is difficult to describe my emotions.

“We’re going to send the generous man pictures from our holiday and I’m writing him a long letter to say thank you. This money will help us create some memories of Ellie that we will remember forever - it is incredible.”