Members of Barnet’s Iranian community gathered in Finchley Central on Saturday to protest against the “barbaric” Iranian regime and its “sham" elections.

Around 50 members of the Anglo-Iranian community in Barnet, which is the largest in the UK, held a major rally outside Tesco in Finchley Central to generate awareness of human rights violations and repression in Iran ahead of a major gathering of the Iranian resistance in Paris on June 22.

Protestors at the rally called for freedom and democracy in Iran and denounced the elections, which are taking place in two week’s time, as a “sham”.

Laila Jazayeri, director of the Association of Anglo-Iranian Women, said: “The elections are a sham. The candidates are picked by the mullahs who decide who comes to power.

“In the last year four women have been stoned to death in Iran. There are mass executions in every town and village. Iran holds the highest record of juvenile executions and the prisons in Iran are filled with political prisoners on death row. There is no freedom and democracy in our homeland.”

Soudabeh Heydari, 23, a student at Manchester University who comes from Mill Hill, had travelled down especially for the rally and to host an information stall every day outside Tesco until June 21.

She said: “I went on a 70-day hunger strike a few years ago to protest against the treatment of refugees in Camp Ashraf, a refugee camp on the border between Iran and Iraq. Thousands of people who were moved to Camp Liberty by the UN were attacked in February by Iraqi militias, put under pressure by Iran.

“I am here to show solidarity with the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran and Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance in Iran, who are fighting for democratic regime change.”

Mohammed Sulimani, 27, from Edgware, who was also manning the stall, said: "I am here because I feel responsible. I want to do something to help the people who want a safer Iran and inform people about what is happening.

"I believe the current government will destroy the world if nothing is done."

More than 100,000 people are expected to attend the conference in Paris to hear speeches from Ms Rajavi and politicians and campaigners from across the world. There will also be music and exhibitions.

A fleet of coaches will leave Barnet on Friday 21 and anyone who wishes to show solidarity to the Iranian resistance is welcome to a place on them.

To find out more or to register contact  Ms Jazayer on  07737782943 or email