A sick little girl is one step closer to her dream Disneyland holiday thanks to a charity event that raised more than £2,000 last night.

Three-year-old Ellie Edwards was last month diagnosed with Rett Syndrome – a genetic disorder that will probably cause her to regress to the state of a newborn in the coming years.

Her mother Natalie, of Clarence Close, New Barnet, is now desperately trying to raise £10,000 to take her only child away before she “loses her forever” to the condition.

A charity night at The Stone Marquee, in Whetstone High Road, last night raised almost £2,500 towards the trip.

Organiser Natalie, 25, said she and her partner Arron, 22, were “overwhelmed” by the support of the 150 people that attended.

She said: “I was an emotional wreck. I couldn’t even get up to say thank you as I was so close to tears.

“To see so many friends, family and people I don’t even know was just amazing. I don’t drink but everyone else got in the spirit and enjoyed the evening.”

Ellie, whose middle name is Princess, confounded doctors with years of ill health before she was finally given the heartbreaking diagnosis four weeks ago.

Several of Natalie’s friends are holding their own events, including a bungee jump night at a Hatfield pub and a sponsored swim, to help send the family to the Orlando theme park.

Natalie said: “Everyone has just been so lovely. We’re hopeful we can raise the money, and we’ll obviously be saving towards it ourselves.

“The whole thing has just been incredible – it is amazing how much people care. We are so grateful.”

To contribute to Ellie's fund, visit her donation page by clicking this link.

Alternatively, contact Natalie on 07951 954445.