Neighbours in North Finchley are gathering together to share a meal and meet other people in their community.

Marilyn Kendall, who lives in Linkside, will be joining thousands of people across the country in organising a “Big Lunch” for her neighbours.

Launched by the Eden Project in 2009 and sponsored by Halifax, the Big Lunch aims to get as many people across the country to sit down with their neighbours on Sunday.

Ms Kendall, a charity fundraiser for Barnet Community Transport and the Concord Prison Trust, hopes good food will help break down barriers and put people in touch with each other.

Chipping Barnet MP Theresa Villiers and Barnet Borough Council leader Councillor Richard Cornelius are expected to attend the lunch in Linkside.

Ms Kendall said: “We decided to get involved in 2009 and it was really successful, bringing together people who have lived a few metres away from each other and not met for 20 to 25 years.

She added this would be the fifth year she and her neighbours have hosted the event.

“We generally have around 50 people of all ages ranging from toddlers to people in their 90s. What we’ve found is it’s a real international mix so you get lovely Japanese food, Asian food, Greek food.

“Everybody looks forward to it. In the course of a year things do change, people move out and it’s a good opportunity to meet people.”

She added she would like more members of the community to get involved.

She said: “It’s been a real bonding experience for the neighbourhood. We had quite a few robberies in our neighbourhood and now people know each other and feel they can speak to someone.”

To find out more or request your free Big Lunch 2013 pack, visit