Two men are facing trial for their alleged part in an early-hours mass brawl that left five people in hospital.

Kristian-Gheorge Culeci, 25, and Bogdan Moboianu, 26, will appear at Wood Green Crown Court on Friday after they were charged in relation to the violent assault last week.

Five men were hurt, including two left with what police described as “life threatening or life changing” injuries, in a fight involving ten to 15 men outside La Gogu bar in Finchley Central.

Emergency services were called to Nether Street shortly after 5am and five men were taken to hospital.

Three were discharged from hospital and the other two are still recovering.

Police arrested Mr Culeci and Mr Moboianu, both of no fixed abode, the following day and the pair appeared at Hendon Magistrates’ Court on Friday.

Mr Culeci was charged with two counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and one count of violent disorder.

Mr Moboianu pleaded not guilty to one count of violent disorder.

Both men were remanded in custody and are due to appear at Wood Green Crown Court on Friday.

La Gogu bar has been made the subject of a licence review since the altercation.