Staff at Brent Cross shopping centre waded into action this weekend to clear a stretch of a river.

Around 20 members of staff from the shopping centre and its owners Hammerson helped volunteers from waterways charity Thames 21 to weed and clear rubbish in the River Brent.

Brent Cross general manager Tom Nathan praised staff for their efforts.

He said: “The annual River Clean Up is a great way for us to work in partnership with a local charity and give something back to the community.

"By helping improve Barnet’s waterways we are also enhancing the shared environment around the centre so people continue to enjoy a pleasurable experience when they visit.”

This year, the team collected more than 30 sacks of rubbish from the river, including shopping trolleys, traffic cones and a travel cot.

This adds to the haul of car batteries, tyres, radios and even a moped dredged from the river in previous years.

Thames21 project co-ordinator Vicky D’Souza added: “This activity is one of the important ways in which, together with local volunteers, we can maintain the waterways and make them accessible for all.

“Taking part in natural enhancement projects, clearing invasive species and managing natural plant life, greatly helps to improve our rivers for people and wildlife.”