A pub where two underage drinkers were attacked with metal bars has narrowly escaped having its licence revoked.

The Grove, in Finchley Road, Temple Fortune, was labelled as a venue of “serious crime and disorder” by police following the violent assault.

The bar had its license temporarily suspended pending a full review of the premises, where Barnet Council’s licensing sub-committee spared it from closure last week.

Members opted instead to impose restricted opening times, tighter identification checks on customers and limit event nights at the venue.

The review came after a 16-year-old and 17-year-old suffered serious injuries during violent attack at the pub on April 19.

The pair had been drinking illegally with friends when a group of young men entered and carried out the assault.

One of the boys suffered a broken finger, cut lip and swelling to his head, while the other sustained a cut to his head and bruising.

Police are still appealing for witnesses to come forward.

At Hendon Town Hall on Wednesday last week, committee members voted to restrict the bars opening hours to 11pm Monday to Thursday and Sunday, and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.

The bar was also banned from holding event nights on a Friday or Saturday following noise complaints from neighbours.

Staff will now operate a Challenge 25 policy to stop underage drinkers going to the pub and signs will be placed near the exits asking customers to leave quietly.

The committee heard representations from the licensee, the police and neighbours before reaching their decision.

Identical letters signed by 29 different neighbours complained of fights in the street outside the premises, especially on Friday nights, and of intimidating crowds.

Noise disturbance reached the stage where Environmental Health officers served an abatement notice on the premises.

Committee chairman Councillor Andreas Tambourides said: “We have to say that we gave serious consideration to revoking the licence.

“The licence holder should be in no doubt that a serious view is likely to be taken if these added conditions do not improve the situation at the premises.”

The decision on The Grove came on the same day five men were taken to hospital after a mass brawl outside La Gogu bar in Finchley Central in the early hours of the morning.

Police have requested Barnet Council carries out a licence review of that premises as a result of the altercation.

Anyone with information on the assault at The Grove in April can telephone DS Dan Quigley on 101 or 0208 733 4595.