A Finchley girl is on the way to stardom after being voted Miss Greater London in a beauty pageant.

Sarah Winterbottom, 24, beat girls from across London to win her heat of the Miss Great Britain competition earlier this month.

Miss Winterbottom, who lives in Wickliffe Avenue said: “It is so satisfying to have won. I was so nervous; this was the first time I’d been on stage like that.

“The competition is not just about how you look, it’s about your style and personality and how you come across.

“They interview you on stage in front of an audience about your achievements and what you want from life. It gives me such a sense of achievement knowing I can stand in front of a a crowd and be put on a spot like that.”

Miss Winterbottom who studies Spanish and Portuguese at Manchester University, but has lived in Finchley all her life, decided to take part in the beauty contest after her friend won Miss England.

She said: “My friend has done so much this year, she has travelled all over the world.

“I want a career in public relations. This competition has been a great way of getting my name out there and improving my confidence and the way I speak to other people.”

Miss Winterbottom, who is running in the Cancer Research Race for Life in Clapham next Saturday, said: “Having a title means I can do more. As part of the role I will be asked by charities to attend events.

“I feel as Miss Greater London I can participate more and use my new profile to raise money for charities.”

Miss Winterbottom now has to wait until November for the competition final to find out if she will be voted Miss Great Britain.

She added: “It would be amazing if I win, but I don’t know what the girls in the other heats across the country are like. Even if I don’t win I have gained a lot, and there’s always next year.”

To sponsor Miss Winterbottom for the race for life visit http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/sarahwinterbottom4