Schools in Barnet have been holding special breakfasts for children to encourage them to jump on their bikes.

Children and staff at Courtland Primary School in Mill Hill ate breakfast with the new Mayor and Mayoress of Barnet Melvin Cohen and Wendy Prentice on Thursday as a reward for cycling to school that day.

The breakfast was organised to promote the school’s travel plan, carried out in partnership with Barnet Borough Council and Transport for London, which is to reduce pollution, danger and congestion caused by cars by encouraging more pupils, parents and staff to cycle to school.

Each child received a certificate and ate croissants, muffins, Danish pastries, yogurt, fruit juice, tea and coffee provided by the Parent Teacher Association.

Deputy head teacher Susan Swinburne said: “The event was a great success. The children said the breakfast was delicious asked if they could have breakfast at school more often. They also enjoyed meeting the Mayor, who gave them their certificates.

“We hope this will encourage more children, parents and staff to cycle to school more regularly.”

St Theresa'sCatholic Primary School in East End Road, which is striving to achieve a silver accreditation for its travel plan, also gave children who cycled into school free hot or cold breakfasts earlier this month.

Deputy head teacher Curtis Sweetingham said: “We had a great response and the children are looking forward to the next one.”