Colourful and imaginative clothing designs dominated the catwalk as college fashion students showcased their work at an end of year show.

The Barnet and Southgate College students sold tickets to the local community, staff, family and friends and put on a stunning display of their year’s work on Wednesday.

Themes included everything from ‘punk’ to ‘underwater’and dozens turned out to watch the graduates’ final project at the college’s Wood Street campus in Mill Hill.

Principal David Byrne said: “Barnet and Southgate College is extremely proud of all of our talented final year fashion students, who put on an inspirational and very professional show.

“They’ve all worked extremely hard putting together their collections, and the end of year catwalk show has become an annual college highlight. It also gives the students a chance to shine and be involved in a real-life fashion event, which they may one day be hosting themselves.”