A vigilante band of Jewish crime fighters helped police detain two men who are appearing in court today charged with burglary offences.

Members of Shomrim London assisted officers in the early hours of Sunday when they detained the pair in Princes Park Avenue, in Golders Green.

Marian Florin Datcu, 36, of Deansbrook Road, Edgware, and Silviu Utoiu, 36, of no fixed abode, have since both been charged with burglary.

The men are due to appear at Hendon Magistrates’ Court today.

Shomrim, Hebrew for ‘watchers’ or ‘guards’, are licensed organizations of volunteer Jewish civilian patrols which have been set up in Hasidic and Haredi neighbourhoods.

The group tweeted recently that, following a spate of 28 burglaries in Golders Green in the same week, members had begun carrying out nightly patrols in the area.

The men were arrested in the early hours of Sunday in Princes Park Avenue, Golders Green