A surgeon from Edgware is among a team of doctors who are running so children can walk.

Verona Beckles, 36, is among a team of doctors, surgeons and professionals taking part in today's Super Hero run in Regents Park to raise money for CURE, a charity that pays for children in the developing world to have life-changing operations.

She will join around 1,000 people who will be running through the park to raise money for hundreds of different charities.

Dr Beckles, a senior registrar at the Royal London Hospital, spent 14 months  working in a CURE hospital in Malawi four years ago. She has since become a trustee for the charity.

She said: “I have been completely changed by seeing for myself the amazing surgery CURE does for children.

“By raising funds for CURE we can keep providing these operations free of charge.”

Dr Beckles, who has already raised £400, said she was looking forward to the 5km run, despite the weather forecast.

She added: “I would like to thank everyone at Camrose Baptist Church for their donations and support they have given me in the days before the run.”

To sponsor Dr Beckles, visit  uk.virginmoneygiving.com/VeronaBecklesSuperHeroRunMay2013