Fat-busters in Finchley got rid of more than just a few pounds when they donated their plus-sized clothes to charity.

Members of the Finchley and North Finchley Slimming World groups dropped off sacks of baggy garments to the town’s Cancer Research UK shop on Wednesday.

More than 20 bags were donated and the clothes will either be put on sale in the store or sold as rags to a fabrics company.

The giveaway could make more than £500 for the charity, with each bag expected to be worth about £25.

Slimmer Keith Wigmore, who has lost four stone since October, said: “I found it really liberating getting rid of all my old clothes and I’m not worried about ever needing them again because this is me now – there’s no going back.”

Pablo Miras, shop manager at Cancer Research UK, said: “We welcome clothes in all shapes, sizes and styles and were thrilled to receive such a huge donation.

“It’s amazing to think that they’ve lost so much weight that they’ve all got so many clothes to clear out from their wardrobes. The money their old clothes raise will make a huge difference to people fighting cancer.”