A memorial cup has been presented to the family of a man who dedicated his life to helping Edgware’s residents.

Former chairman of Edgware Ward Panel Morton Creeger died in October 2012 of a heart attack at the age of 71.

Sgt Dan Reid of Edgware Safer Neighbourhood Team presented Mr Creeger's family with the cup at last week’s ward panel meeting to commemorate his five years as chairman.

The cup will be awarded to the winners of the annual football tournament in Edgwarebury Park between young people from Stonegrove and Broadfields estates, as well as some from Graeme Park and Burnt Oak.

Sgt Reid, who worked closely with Mr Creeger, said: “Morton is missed by all the members of the Edgware Ward Panel and we wanted to remember him and recognise his commitment to making Edgware safer for the local community, and a better place for young people to live.

“The annual football tournament brings young people together in a positive way.”

As well as chairing the panel, which is made up of local police, neighbourhood watch, residents and businesses, Mr Creeger worked as a fundraising consultant at Hampstead’s London Jewish Cultural and was chairman of the board of trustees at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore.

Morton’s two daughters, Miriam and Naomi, son Mark and step-son Saul were delighted to receive the cup. They said: “It’s a real honour to have the cup presented to us in his memory. We were very touched when the ward panel let us know about it.

“Dad was passionate about creating opportunities for disadvantaged young people. When he was chairman of the panel he wanted to create opportunities for youth in particular to give them a better start in life.

“Though he was never a football fan or player himself, he’d have appreciated this cup to motivate local young people to get together positively through their shared love of sport. Hopefully we will bring some of his grandchildren to come and watch the match and appreciate the lasting legacy that he has left in the local community.”