Times Series chief reporter Chris Hewett is close to reaching his fundraising target less than two weeks before he jumps out of a plane for charity.

The 26-year-old journalist is taking on a skydive to raise more than £300 for Fair Play Barnet – a charity providing play opportunities for disabled children in north London.

Chris is due to jump on May 25 but has just days left to raise the money, all of which will go to charity as he is paying for the skydive himself.

The Spurs fan has already raised more than £200 through sponsorship from generous friends and colleagues and he is holding a charity cake sale at Times Series headquarters on Wednesday to boost his takings.

And as the day of the daring charity event draws closer, Chris admits that he is getting a little nervous about plummeting through the sky from over 10,000 feet.

He said: “I’m so overwhelmed at the donations I’ve received so far – I never thought so many people would be willing to contribute.

“It’s less than two weeks away now and I am a little nervous. I still can’t decide how I’ll feel when that plane door opens but I’ll never know until I’m up there – and by then it will be too late.”

To contribute to Chris’ total, visit www.justgiving.com/chewitskydive.