An Edgware charity is holding an event to help carers and families of people with learning disabilities learn about changes to benefits.

Learning disability charity The Larches is teaming up with national charity Mencap and solicitors Irwin Mitchell to offer advice to carers and families of people with learning disabilities about the changes in social care as part of the replacement of Disability Living Allowance with the more stringent Personal Independence Payments.

During the event on May 30, there will be presentations from Mencap’s regional campaigns officer Alan Milner and senior campaigns and policy officer Jane Alltimes, who will speak about the extent of welfare cuts in Barnet and what they mean for people suffering from disabilities.

There will also be a presentation and question and answer session with Alex Rook of Irwin Mitchell’s Public law department, who will advise carers and people with learning disabilities on how to use the law to challenge unfair benefit cuts.

The Larches services co-ordinator Ranu Radia said it was important families and carers attended the event to learn more about the effects of changes to benefits and how to challenge welfare cuts.

She said: “It is the people with mild learning disabilities who are going to lose out.

"The ones with more profound disabilities will be less affected by changes in benefit laws. It is the ones who look like they could hold down jobs but are actually unable to that could suffer.”

The event runs from 10am until 3pm. Tea and coffee will be provided and there will also be a chance to have one and one sessions with Mencap’s Candice Prentice.

The event costs £10 for family members and carers. To find out more contact Ranu Radia on 0208 905 6333 or email