Opponents of a major regeneration of West Hendon are handing a petition to Barnet Council at Hendon Town Hall this morning.

Barnet’s GLA member Andrew Dismore will be among a number of Labour activists and councillors from Barnet and Brent voicing their opposition to the major building project.

The redevelopment, on the border of Barnet and Brent, involves the demolition of 680 flats, to be replaced with 2,100 homes.

Opponents claim existing residents have not been properly consulted on the plans and say the density of the development breaches Barnet Council’s planning guidelines.

There are also fears about increased traffic, a lack of service provision like primary schools and a threat to wildlife in the nearby Welsh Harp reservoir – a site of special scientific interest.

Mr Dismore will lead opponents in presenting the petition at 11am at Hendon Town Hall this morning.