Three Burnt Oak shops were raided by police and immigration officers this afternoon.

Three shops in Watling Avenue: makeup and accessorises shop Afro Cosmetics, barbers Isabel’s and pizza take away Bambinos were targeted by Home Office Immigration Enforcement officers and the Metropolitan Police after receiving reports some of their employees did not have the right to work in the UK.  

At least one man, an employee at Bambinos, was arrested by the UK Border Agency officers as a result of the operation.

Customer Shayo Fadope, who was in Afro Cosmetics when the raid happened, said: “I was in there shopping and officers walked through the door and started to ask employees for papers and details on how many hours they worked.

“It was quite scary until I realised it was just immigration."

She added: “I feel sorry for the workers, they’re just trying to make some sort of a living.”