Barnet teenagers are encouraged to gain valuable volunteering experience and share their love of books this summer.

Barnet Borough Council is asking teenagers, aged 14 to 18 years old, to volunteer at a local library during the summer holidays.

The teenagers will be supporting four to 11 year olds who are taking part in this year’s Summer Reading Book Challenge. 

The challenge, which takes part in libraries all over the country, is aimed at encouraging children to read at least six books borrowed from any Barnet library this summer holiday. The theme for this year’s challenge is 'creepy house'.

The teenagers will be helping staff run the challenge, talking to children about the books they have been reading, running summer activities such as craft sessions and creating displays in libraries. 

A Barnet Council spokesman said: "This is an opportunity for teenagers to make a real difference to their community, gain valuable skills for future employment and gain credits towards a national volunteering award."

To get an application form, email or or call Justina Gore on 07867 660 499.