New card payment parking machines were introduced last week to give residents easier ways to pay for parking.

Barnet Borough Council installed the nine new machines in Edgware, Mill Hill and High Barnet as part of the council's continued parking review of all high streets in Barnet.

The review also involves looking at introducing free parking bays and reduced charges in car parks across the borough.

Cabinet member for environment Cllr Dean Cohen said: “I am continuing my review of parking in town centres and I’m keen to get away from a ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy.

“Each centre has its own needs and the new machines should be seen as an addition to the reductions of prices we are already trialling in High Barnet, Finchley and Edgware, as well as in several of the council’s car parks.”

The new pay-parking machines have been welcomed by local shopkeepers, who see them as a refreshing change from the pay by phone parking and scratch cards also on offer.

Local Mill Hill trader Howard Graham said: “I am delighted to finally see these pay by card machines in Mill Hill. They were sorely needed and give our customers much needed choice on how to pay for their parking.

"I want to thank Barnet Council for listening to us traders and our customers and I look forward to working with them again in future to find other ways to strengthen our high street.”

Shop owner and Edgware Town Team chairman Paul Dresner said the new machines would be of great benefit to shoppers who were unable to use the pay by phone system because they did not have mobile phones.

He added: “The Edgware Town Team has been lobbying Barnet Council for some time for a reduction of the parking charges in the town. 

"By implementing the reductions the council will encourage everybody to take advantage of the great shopping facilities in Edgware and adopt our theme of 'Shop Local, Shop Smart, Shop Edgware'."