A jeweller was left with a cut hand and a member of staff collapsed during a robbery in North Finchley this morning.

The owner of Seaton Jeweller’s, in High Road, was opening up with a male member of staff at 9am when it is understood they found one or more men waiting in the shop for them.

Witnesses said the intruders were demanding access to a safe at the business, and during the incident, one male member of staff collapsed.

The owner also suffered a cut hand before the robbers fled the scene. It is not yet clear if anything was taken.

Police are currently at the scene recovering CCTV footage of the store and paramedics are treating the two men.

Café owner and trader spokeswoman Helen Michael was one of the first on the scene this morning and placed the staff member in the recovery position.

She said: “It is very worrying. This is a small family-run business and it’s been here for years.”