A shopkeeper who vandalised a parking sign in an “act of desperation” has been ordered to pay compensation to Barnet Borough Council.

Paul Shea, 44, who owns Tally Ho Discount in High Road, North Finchley, changed his plea to guilty when he appeared before Willesden Magistrate’s Court charged with criminal damage today.

CCTV footage captured Mr Shea spraying black paint onto a pay-by-phone parking sign outside his store in High Road.

Mr Shea told the court he vandalised the sign in a moment of "desperation" after Barnet Council replaced coin meters with the pay-by-phone system – a setup which many traders across the borough say has drastically reduced footfall and is crippling their businesses.

He said: “It decimated not only mine but many other businesses in North Finchley.

“We were explaining to the council how it had devastated the high street. It had been the best part of a year and we were getting nowhere.

“I accept what I did was wrong – it was an act of desperation. It was perhaps a cry for help.

“Myself and many traders were struggling. There was an immediate decline when the pay-by-phone came in.

“As for the sign being replaced – I saw with my own eyes it took two council workers no longer than five minutes to get rid of the paint with a cloth and detergent.”

There was some dispute over how much money it cost the council to replace the sign, with the authority’s interim parking manager Ian Baruch quoting £1,000 as instructed by the Highways department – but an Freedom of Information request showed it costs the council just £42.80.

The Magistrates took the lack of receipts into consideration and fined Mr Shea £300 and ordered him to pay £200 compensation to Barnet Council.