A father-of-three who lost more than 11 stone is now hoping to inspire others to lose weight and regain control of their lives.

Two years ago, Anthony Cohen who lives in Broadfields Avenue in Edgware, weighed 30 stone.

He had always thought of himself as an active man, but a more sedentary life after becoming a father and undergoing a hip operation for a congenital problem meant the weight began to pile on.

He said: “It got to the stage when I couldn’t walk 100 yards without getting out of breath. I couldn’t carry out my hobby of being a cricket umpire because I couldn’t stand long enough. I couldn’t get clothes from anywhere but a catalogue and size 5XL felt tight.

“Despite all that I thought I was still and strong fit, you delude yourself. I blamed my weight on my health problems, everything else but myself."

Mr Cohen, 51, finally decided to do something about his size after a flight to Israel during which he had to occupy two seats and was unable to get a seatbelt on. He joined Slimming World and lost the weight through healthy eating and exercise.

Mr Cohen said: “I did not realise until after I had lost it how badly my weight affected my family. My sons were embarrassed to see their dad, who was the size of a small barge, sitting at the touchline when I’d go watch them play football.

“Now they are so proud of me and keep asking me when I’ll start playing cricket and football again.”

He added: “My mum offered to pay for a gastric band as she didn’t want to see me buried. She died in Januar, and the last thing I told her was I had lost 10 and a half stone. She felt so happy about it.”

The insurance broker lost an impressive 11st 7lbs in 18 months and won the Edgware Slimming World group’s Biggest Loser Award. He has just set up his own Slimming World branch in Edgware to help others who were in his situation lose weight.

He said: “The most important thing is I have got myself back after a long, painful and enjoyable journey.”

“Now I want to inspire others to lose weight and take control of their lives. It’s great to be able to give something back after my life was saved.”

Mr Cohen’s Slimming World classes take place on Thursdays at 7.30 pm in St Lawrence Church Hall in Whitchurch Lane, Edgware.