Anthony Cowan was enjoying life as a university student when he found out his dad had an inoperable brain tumour.

But even since his death six years ago, he is trying to keep his memory alive by raising money for the Hendon based charity that helped him come to terms with the disease.

Mr Cowan is now getting ready to put himself to the test by running the London Marathon in memory of his dad, Jack.

He said: “Dad was an amazing man and a good dad. He was extremely well respected in the area so when he died, it was beyond horrible.

“My dad accomplished many things in his life but one thing he couldn’t do was run the London Marathon, which he always wanted to do.

“In a sense I am running the marathon on his behalf.”

Next month, the 27-year-old of Brownlow Road, Borehamwood, is due to put his running shoes on to raise money and awareness for Chai Cancer Care in Great North Way.

He will also be raising money for the Royal Marsden Foundation, in memory of a family friend who died of lung cancer.

Despite having hurt his knee during training, he is determined not to give up until he reaches his target of £5,000 for both charities.

Mr Cowan, who is due to become a first-dad dad in the next few weeks, said his friend, Daniel Miller, has been his inspiration during the training.

Borehamwood resident Mr Miller will be running for Norwood, a Stanmore-based charity which supports disabled children and their families.

He said: “We have both been training together for four months now and hope to achieve the marathon in four hours and thirty minutes.

“Despite both incurring small injuries during training, we think we are going to do it.”

To sponsor Mr Cowan, click here.