A woman in her seventies was mugged by two people who posed as Good Samaritans, helping carry her shopping to the car before stealing her bank cards.

The elderly woman was approached by a man and woman at 6.05pm outside Tesco Extra in Mutton Lane last Thursday.

When they had helped her with her shopping the woman gave the victim a hug, but took her bank cards from her handbag.

The pair then made off in the direction of Southgate Road.

The woman is described as white Eastern European, between 35 and 40 years old, 5ft 7ins tall, of slim build and wearing dark clothing with a brown jacket.

The man is described as white Eastern European, 45 to 50 years old, 5ft 10ins to 6ft tall, slim and wearing dark clothing.

A similar incident happened last month when a man in his eighties was approached by a man and woman telling him he had dropped some money. They handed it to him, but minutes later they returned asking for the money back.

As he went to hand it over they snatched his wallet and stole a credit card before running away.

Anyone with information is asked to call Hertsmere Police on the non-emergency number 101.