Barnet Council is this morning facing a legal challenge over its decision to outsource almost £700million of public services.

The judicial review was brought by disabled campaigner Maria Nash, who argues the authority did not properly consult residents on its One Barnet scheme.

She argues the move breaches the Equality Act and would worsen the standard of disability care.

Supporters from the Barnet Alliance for Public Services gathered outside the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand this morning to demonstrate against the outsourcing scheme.

Barnet Council is understood to be defending its position by arguing the judicial review has been brought too late.

It says there is no alternative to the programme if the authority is to cut its budget deficit by a further £56million by 2015.

The landmark hearing could have major repercussions for other councils looking to outsource to save cash.

Speaking outside the court this morning, Ms Nash said: "I'm hopeful and optimistic that something positive will come from this.

"We've already achieved something in a way by raising awareness of the case. It's extremely important and a big deal for me."

The hearing is expected to last three days.