Hendon MP Matthew Offord joined campaigners calling for the protection of Iranian refugees on Saturday.

The Conservative joined Barnet’s Anglo-Iranians in a rally outside the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, demanding the Government helps people in Camp Liberty in Iraq.

There are a total of 3,000 people living temporarily in the refugee camp fearing further terrorist attacks from an Iraqi military group.

Many Iranians living in Barnet have loved ones who live in the camp, which is a temporary base for members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, the principal Iranian opposition movement.

Speaking at the rally, Dr Offord said: “I reiterate the call on our Government and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to not underestimate these threats, a coming attack is immediate and the Iranian regime is plotting for it.

“We need the UK Government to get actively involved and support the efforts in the international arena to stop another looming massacre of 3,000 asylum seekers in Camp Liberty by publicly announcing that the residents in Camp Liberty be returned to Camp Ashraf, which is 80 times larger and has better concrete facilities. That is the only viable way to secure the residents protection and well-being.”