Campaigners opposing Barnet Council’s outsourcing programme are holding a demonstration tomorrow in support of a judicial review into the scheme.

The Barnet Alliance for Public Services (BAPS) supports the legal action by disabled resident Maria Nash opposing the authority’s One Barnet outsourcing scheme.

The group will gather outside the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand between 9.30am and 1.30pm in support of Ms Nash.

Barnet Council is looking to move almost £700million of its services to the private sector through the One Barnet scheme to save costs.

Maria Nash brought the action on the grounds the authority failed to properly consult residents over the scheme.

She argues that private sector companies will not deliver adequate service levels, particularly for the disabled.

BAPS coordinator Tirza Waisel said: “Maria is a disabled person and is right to be worried about what will happen to her in future. If One Barnet fails, a scheme that was set up ostensibly to save money will end up costing more, and mean further cuts in services beyond the point at which Barnet residents can live a decent life.”