Children and parents aimed to raise thousands of pounds for Comic Relief at a bake sale in a Mill Hill nursery.

Whizz Kids Nursery, in Scout Way, passed its target of £300 on Friday morning and is now hoping to raise around £800 by the weekend.

The funds have come from sales of cakes, toys and raffle tickets, the prizes for which were donated by Mill Hill businesses.

Headteacher Gill Liu said: “The parents excelled themselves with the amount of help they’ve given. This is home-school liaisons at its best.”

Event co-ordinator Snowia Hussain was delighted with the turnout of 45 children and their parents, with every child being given an allowance of £2 to spend as they saw fit.

Parents were happy their children were not just having fun baking and colouring in their Blue Peter-style ‘totalizer’ but also learning about Comic Relief.

Mrs Liu said: “It’s important for children to understand about the cause and also learn a little of the geography.”

Arti Soni, a parent, said: “Everyone has been fantastic in contributing and helping out. In this age of iPads, children need to know about poverty and privilege.”

Staff are hoping to raise an overall total of £3,000 by the end of the school year and were thankful to the community for donating raffle prizes.

Elsewhere, staff at the Hendon Hall Hotel chipped in with £74 from their ‘bake it or fake it’ event at which more than a dozen cakes were sold.

General manager Matthew Moffatt admitted to buying his own offering but was pleased to see the efforts of his staff were home made.